Hard-use gear requires proper maintenance for longevity. Most outdoor gear is made of or has wood, leather, and steel. Stick around as we share our tips to Maintain Wood, Leather, and Steel like a Pro!
Daddy Van’s
Daddy Van’s natural beeswax wood conditioning blend rejuvenates and enhances the beauty of all wood types, providing a rich glow for both finished and unfinished surfaces. The non-toxic formula is safe for food contact, ensuring that wooden toys and cribs remain in top condition. Daddy Van’s Unscented Polish is a clear, odorless sealing wax that easily applies to and provides a durable matte finish over chalk and milk paint.
With zero odor and zero VOCs, this naturally non-toxic furniture polish is USDA Certified 100% Biobased. To use, apply a small amount with a soft cloth in a circular motion, then buff it with a clean, dry cloth for a radiant shine that appears to shine from within. This helps maintain wood and leather accessories as well.

I’ve used this on axe/tomahawk handles, kuksa cups, and all my wood crafts.
Wicked Wax

To preserve the quality of leather knife sheaths, you should regularly clean and condition them. Start by gently wiping the sheath with a moist cloth to remove any grime. Avoid strong detergents or soaps that could damage the leather.
After cleaning, nourish the leather with a conditioner to keep it flexible and prevent dryness and cracks. I recommend using Wicked Wax, which is 100% safe for food contact and made from natural ingredients. It works well on wood, steel, epoxy, plastic, and leather, enhancing their appearance and protection.
If you’re looking to maintain leather gear effectively, this product is essential. Plus, it prevents rust on metals and seals leather effectively without compromising grip. You can wash Kydex sheaths with soap and water, but dry them thoroughly to protect the knife from rust.
Maintain Steel Like A Pro with KPL

Folding knife maintenance ensures you keep your folding knife in top condition. Clean the blade and hard-to-reach areas with a cloth and brush. Apply a small amount of oil, like Knife Pivot Lube or KPL Original, to the pivot and blade to prevent rust. Lubricate all moving parts, including flipper knives, detent tracks, and bearings. Periodically tighten screws and pivots, and replace worn components as needed. It’s crucial to maintain steel components properly for the best performance.
Knife Shield
The KPL Knife Shield prevents corrosion by forming a protective layer on metal surfaces. This formula disrupts the galvanic corrosion process and creates a barrier against moisture, which helps maintain the blade’s longevity. It also cleans and polishes your knife, leaving a residue-free shine. The non-toxic, water-based formula keeps it safe for food-related knives, adding to its versatility.

Following these care instructions, you can extend the life of your knife and Maintain Wood, Leather, and Steel Like a Pro!
For more information, please contact Daddy Van’s, Wicked Wax, and KPL.