IS YOUR TRAINING KEEPING YOU FROM IMPROVING? Maintaining Balance In Your Training & Your Daily Life

Is your training preventing you from actually getting better? I guess that would depend on what you mean by “better.” Are you finding balance in your training?

If you’re chasing the sub-2-second Bill Drill but haven’t had a medical class or read up on deadly force law in the last couple of years, is that really the best use of your time?

If you’ve got a match coming up, then maybe. If, however, you’re just the average citizen defender, it may benefit you to broaden your capabilities a bit.

It’s easy to fixate on the measurable performance metrics. Measurability provides both instant feedback and quantifiable growth. It’s far more difficult to gauge your proficiency with your verbal agility or social dexterity. There’s no score or par time for those things.

It’s also so easy to rabbit-hole on the defensive practices as a whole that you inadvertently neglect other aspects of your life. Dedication and commitment are admirable, but don’t let the defensive lifestyle monopolize your life to the point that you forget to be a friend, spouse, parent, etc.

All of this should enable us to live life to the fullest. We should not live in such a risk-averse bubble that we prioritize control and security over experiences.

The Suited Shootist
Alex Sansone took his first formal pistol class in 2009, and has since accumulated almost 500 total hours of open enrollment training from many of the nation's top instructors including Massad Ayoob, Craig Douglas, Tom Givens, Gabe White, Cecil Burch, Chuck Haggard, Darryl Bolke, and many others. Spending his professional life in the corporate world, Alex quickly realized incongruities between "best practices" in the defensive world, and the practical realities of his professional and social limitations. "I've never carried a gun professionally. I'm just a yuppie suburbanite that happens to live an armed lifestyle. Having worked in the corporate arena for the last decade, I've discovered that a lot of the "requirements" and norms of gun carriers at large aren't necessarily compatible with that professional environment. I also have a pretty diverse social background, having grown up in the Northeast, and there are many people in my life that are either gun-agnostic or uncomfortable with the idea of private gun ownership. This has afforded me not only insights into how we are perceived by different subcultures, but how to manage and interact with people that may not share your point of view without coming across as combative or antisocial. This is why my focus is the overlooked social aspects of the armed lifestyle."