DRESSING WELL CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! Looking Like “The Good Guy” Can Buy You Time W Responding Officers

One of the risks we discuss as concealed carriers is being misidentified by responding officers after a defensive gun use. As it turns out, how you dress can impact how you’re perceived when it comes to IFF. Specifically, looking like “the good guy” can alter the perception of others, like responding officers.

Increase Your Odds by Looking Like “the Good Guy”

I’d theorized this back in one of my early articles, and it was confirmed when I attended John Hearne’s lecture at Tac-Con 2021.

In this video, I do a high-level overview of the study and how it relates to our lifestyle. John went into some depth on the Aveni study, and I found it immensely useful. Take this class as soon as you get the chance.

For more information, please visit TwoPillarsTraining.com.

Excerpt from the HPD OIS Report:

“The other important factors are demeanor, social class, and intoxication. In a video simulation study (Aveni, 2008), the researcher found that police are more likely to shoot when the suspect is younger. In terms of dress, the officer was less likely to shoot when the suspect was in business clothes as opposed to “punk dress” or street clothes such as hooded sweatshirts, blue jeans, or leather jackets.” pg 24-25]”

Tom Aveni Study:
A Critical Analysis of Police Shootings Under Ambiguous Circumstances

Force Science Institute Articles:
New Study May Radically Alter How Police Deadly Force is Viewed Part 1
What the Study of Shootings of Unarmed Suspects Means to You Part 2

The Suited Shootist
Alex Sansone took his first formal pistol class in 2009, and has since accumulated almost 500 total hours of open enrollment training from many of the nation's top instructors including Massad Ayoob, Craig Douglas, Tom Givens, Gabe White, Cecil Burch, Chuck Haggard, Darryl Bolke, and many others. Spending his professional life in the corporate world, Alex quickly realized incongruities between "best practices" in the defensive world, and the practical realities of his professional and social limitations. "I've never carried a gun professionally. I'm just a yuppie suburbanite that happens to live an armed lifestyle. Having worked in the corporate arena for the last decade, I've discovered that a lot of the "requirements" and norms of gun carriers at large aren't necessarily compatible with that professional environment. I also have a pretty diverse social background, having grown up in the Northeast, and there are many people in my life that are either gun-agnostic or uncomfortable with the idea of private gun ownership. This has afforded me not only insights into how we are perceived by different subcultures, but how to manage and interact with people that may not share your point of view without coming across as combative or antisocial. This is why my focus is the overlooked social aspects of the armed lifestyle."