Kamala Harris And the Second Amendment

Biden’s out, and presumptively, Harris is in. Vice President Kamala Harris is extremely likely to be the next Democratic candidate for President. We all know Biden has flip-flopped on guns over the years. His Presidency has been a constant war on gun owners. While Biden sucked for gun owners, Harris seems much worse. She has a long history of being extremely anti-gun. It’s become a core issue of her candidacy. 

Gun owners need to be ready for the potential of a Harris presidency. They need to be prepared to resist gun control efforts at every turn. At a recent campaign event, she wasted no time announcing her plans to institute an ineffective assault weapons ban. She also pushed Minority Report-style Red Flag Laws and corporatist universal background checks. 

This isn’t a new attitude for her. Winning a legal fight requires us to know our opponent, and as such, let’s review Vice President Harris’ extensive anti-gun background. 

Vice President Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris was placed in charge of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. This office helps enforce and disseminate the President’s executive orders on gun control. Its main purpose was to backdoor gun control into the United States through any means possible. Gun control loses at the polls and loses in Federal Courts and Congress.

Things like ATF’s rulemaking against frames and receivers, pistol braces, and the crackdown on who is and who is not a dealer come from this office. This effort got Bryan Malinowski murdered by ATF agents when they conducted a no-knock raid in the middle of the night. Those agents conveniently forgot to wear their bodycams. They targeted Malinowski because he sold parts of his private collection. 

Democratic Candidate Harris in 2019 

Kamala Harris ran for President in 2019 but failed to secure her nomination. While running, Harris took a hard-line stance against firearms. She declared she would take executive action within her first 100 days if Congress didn’t act. As a candidate, she openly advocated for door-to-door confiscation and bragged about doing just that in California as Attorney General. 

She also promised to take Red Flag Laws to the next level by targeting racists and other bigots for firearm confiscation. Vice President Harris called these Domestic Terrorism Prevention Orders. She claimed if there was evidence that a person intended to commit a hate crime, they could lose their gun rights. 

No one likes racists, but the evidence included anti-immigrant rhetoric. This sounds an awful lot like if you believe in border security, you can lose your gun rights. Any kind of Minority Report pre-crime measures should be shot down. We live in a society that is established by law and courts.

Pre-Presidential Harris 

As a Senator, Kamala Harris rallied against firearms at every turn. She was vocal on social media, calling for a nationwide assault weapons ban. She didn’t seem to do much as a Senator. As California Attorney General, she fought against Californian Civil Rights at every turn. 

In 2013, she was responsible for creating the microstamping rule in California. The rule stated that any new semi-auto handgun sold in California had to have a micro-stamped serial number on the firing pin. This would stamp the serial number onto each cartridge. Keep in mind this technology does not exist and effectively banned all new semi-auto handguns in California. 

Then AG Kamala Harris fought to resist Heller and the individual right to keep and bear arms, as well as the Peruta v. County of San Diego Case. In the latter, she went above and beyond to try to restrict citizens’ rights. 

In 2014, she also instructed the California Department of Justice to target and cite four gun stores over their window displays. Yes, she’s that petty. The argument was that the displays violated California law on firearm advertisements. 

Be Ready To Resist 

Kamala Harris will be a nightmare for American civil rights. Her violation of her oath to the Constitution should not be ignored. As gun owners, we need to be educated. Educated and ready to support the gun rights organizations fighting to maintain and gain back our rights as Americans. Do not be lazy or complacent just because most of Biden’s attempts have failed. 

Travis Pike
Travis Pike is a former Marine Machine gunner who served with 2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years. He deployed in 2009 to Afghanistan and again in 2011 with the 22nd MEU(SOC) during a record setting 11 months at sea. He’s trained with the Romanian Army, the Spanish Marines, the Emirate Marines and the Afghan National Army. He serves as an NRA certified pistol instructor and teaches concealed carry classes.