John Taffin – A Legend Leaves Us

On March 10th, 2025, the firearms community lost a great one. John Taffin, a legendary firearms writer, departed this earthly realm at the age of 85. Mr. Taffin famously wrote for Guns Magazine and American Handgunner and was considered one of the foremost experts on revolvers. Mr. Taffin authored five books and hundreds of articles on revolvers, but also semi-automatics, and seemingly remained active.

Personally, I think Mr. Taffin was one of my favorite writers. I loved scrolling to the back of GUNS Magazine to read the latest Campfire Tales. As a teenager, I would spend a lot of time reading magazines while my parents grocery shopped, occasionally convincing them to buy one.

Mr. Taffin’s articles were always my favorites. As a teenager, I distinctly remember writing notes about wadcutters and Bisley grips because I didn’t know what they were, but I took notes to remind me to go learn.

(This was the dial-up internet era, so there wasn’t an instant solution.)

I’ve heard people mention that a real expert can explain a concept so that anyone can understand it. Perhaps that’s what drew me to Mr. Taffin’s work as a kid and aspiring gun writer. I didn’t know anything, but he explained complicated concepts in a way I could understand them.

Not only could he explain his intricate knowledge of revolvers simply, but he could also do it in a way that was entertaining and relevant.

John Taffin and My Generation

My generation didn’t have Skeeter Skelton and Elmer Keith. They had long passed before I became interested in guns. While their works are largely immortalized, they weren’t creating anything new, and they weren’t writing about new guns and calibers like Mr. Taffin.

Mr. Taffin was my Elmer Keith and Skeeter Skelton. He provided an education on revolvers, both new and old. Mr. Taffin loaded rounds and shared data. He experimented and provided an opinion based on decades of experience that held real weight.

John Taffin’s writing created a lasting legacy and inspired people like me to do what I do now. For that, I am forever grateful. My heart goes out to Mr. Taffin’s family in this trying time. John Taffin was a legendary figure to me, and our community of gun writers is diminished without him.

Travis Pike
Travis Pike is a former Marine Machine gunner who served with 2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years. He deployed in 2009 to Afghanistan and again in 2011 with the 22nd MEU(SOC) during a record setting 11 months at sea. He’s trained with the Romanian Army, the Spanish Marines, the Emirate Marines and the Afghan National Army. He serves as an NRA certified pistol instructor and teaches concealed carry classes.