Is anybody else getting tired of this shopworn trope? It was trotted out again last week by a politician seeking a 50% tax on ammunition.
I’ve had the same line used on me for years in internet arguments with clueless anti-gunners. The line is invariably thrown into the discussion like a hand grenade. It destroys further discussion, because if you disagree with whatever they are proposing, then that must mean that you are in favor of needless death. It also paints the proposer in the saintly light of “savior” of whoever it is they think is in danger.
But let’s look more deeply at this sentiment, shall we? What other useful tools can cause death if used improperly? Sometimes even used properly there are accidents with commonly used items.
Let’s completely ban automobiles – because if we can prevent just one death it will all be worth it.
Furthermore, let’s completely ban travel by horse as well – a fall from a horse has killed many, many people over the millennia.
Bicycles? Nope – people die on those too.
Let’s ban bathtubs – adults slip and die and many children drown yearly in them.
Ban televisions and bureaus – because toddlers have been known to pull them over on top of themselves and be crushed to death.
Ban Tylenol – an overdose can cause slow death by liver failure.
Ban aerosol cans – because teenagers huff the propellant and asphyxiate themselves.
Ban lawnmowers – both children and adults are horribly killed by them every year.
That’s just a tiny sampling. Pointing this out to the “ just one-ers” can cause angry flouncing from the conversation however. But it illustrates an important point. Life is fatal. Just breathing can be dangerous. So the “Just one life” trope is virtue-signaling garbage. Millions of people use the above items safely every single day. Just like firearms.
The hoplophobes would have the public believe that firearms are somehow a special case of concentrated death, when in reality many commonly used items cause more accidental death and injury than firearms do.
As far as “intentional” death and injury goes – are we taxing nails at a 50% rate to prevent hammer murders? Just asking. If we could prevent just one death you know…