I hear this one once every cycle or so, that the Founding Fathers could not have envisioned a world of repeating firearms. It is an interesting take and holds water if you are willing to ignore a tremendous amount of information, but it is not an accurate one. We’ve been trying and succeeding in inventive ways to make repeating firearms for centuries.
Click the video and watch Ian enlighten you.
The semi-automatic and automatic are just mechanically advantaged repeating firearms. But the real leap to making these work was the metallic cartridge. Repeaters existed longer before the constitution was ratified than the nuclear bomb came afterward. Multishot firearms are old tech.

The argument always seem to rely on alleging that firearms are tremendously more lethal nowadays. They aren’t, firing five or six times out of a modern handgun or rifle is roughly as dangerous as firing five or six times out of a firearm from 400 years passed. What we got better at was making the components, we make everything efficiently so that a shot could be taken as close to at will/need as manageable.