High Capacity Pez Dispensers Banned

This device goes to TWELVE

The New Jersey spokesman added that the since the candy originated in Austria that this made it an even more suspect product, stating, “Think about it – what other manufacturer of dangerous plastic weapons is located in Austria? Coincidence? I think not.”

Keeping the stash of Smarties close at hand.

The new extension to the law also closes a loophole which allowed owners of large capacity magazines to declare that the banned devices were really just dispensers for rolls of Smarties candies.

Dr LateBloomer
Dr LateBloomer is a female general pediatrician who bought her first firearm at the age of 46. She now enjoys many different shooting disciplines including self-defense, IDPA, Steel/Rimfire Challenge, Sporting clays, and even tried 3-Gun for several years. She has gotten started in hunting and has expanded into crossbow. She is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and works to enlighten her medical colleagues whenever possible.