The holidays are over and winter is now firmly upon us; ugh. Hopefully you found a new firearm or accessory under your tree that made you want to get you out to the range. It looked like the weather was fairly decent across the nation so that could not be your excuse for not testing out new gear. If you did get out to the range you will need to clean your firearms.
You could purchase numerous kits or brushes for each firearm or you can buy those pull-through cleaners that are fast and easy bit they do not get all the nooks and crannies. What if you could find one cleaning kit that covers nearly all types of firearms and calibers? Think it would be something you could use? Our friends at Real Avid have a perfect solution, The Master Cleaning Station that retails for $39.99.
What sets this cleaning kit apart from virtually every other firearms cleaning kit on the market is the self-contained cleaning mat and tool storage. First all of the tools and cleaning pads are securely stored in the container portion of the kit. Next there is the attached mat that rolls out to give you a cleaning area that keeps parts and cleaning solutions from soaking whatever you are working on. When you are all done the tools and mat are stored in a container to keep everything out of the way until next time you need it.

So other than a storage container and mat, what is in the Master Cleaning Station? First there are swabs or jags and brushes for calibers from .22-.45 and 20/12 Gauge shotguns. To get the nooks and crannies there is an angled pick, a straight pick, a nylon brush and an angled phosphor bronze brush. There are rods and a cushioned handle as well as a large and small cleaning patch holder that all fit the three sections of rods. If those tools do not get the job done, there are non-scratching carbon scraping tools.
The unique tools of the Master Cleaning Station are the picks and scrapers. While you can find small flat point screwdrivers or knives to scrape fouling, they could also scrape your breech face, . gas port, etc. which could ruin the part. real Avid supplies polymer picks, small brushes and scrapers in the Master Cleaning Station. Unless you are cleaning firearms parts made of lead, these tools will not damage your firearm. They will make cleaning firearms faster and easier.

I found all of the tools and tips easy to access, while being kept securely in each tools respective slot. The cleaning brushes and swabs are stored in marked slots. Overall this is one of the most carefully thought out cleaning kits I have seen or used. I am certain the shooter on your list will think of you every time they use Real Avid’s Master Cleaning Station.