Unfortunately, this is the thing for which I am most well-known—being fired for carrying at work. Online people are quick to profess that “concealed means concealed” and “I don’t care what the rules say; unless there’s a metal detector, I’m carrying my gun!” Anytime you bring up the possible consequences of being discovered, they’re quick to say, “Well, I’d rather be unemployed than dead!” or “I’ll just get a new job!.”
Carrying at Work Can Get You Fired
I really didn’t want to make this video, but I felt that I had to because nobody talks about these types of negative outcomes. There’s no first-hand account to hold up as an example of the things that can go wrong. Since people are so quick to dismiss theoretical situations, I feel obligated to share my story.
Once you watch this you’ll understand why those flippant responses are so rage-inducing for me.
My hope is that people learn from my experience and have a better appreciation for everything they’re putting on the line if they choose to ignore the rules.
I’m not about to tell anyone what to do. I merely present this as a cautionary tale so that people can make the most educated decision possible.
Everyone is so eager to prepare for the worst-case scenario that they completely ignore the much more probable and almost equally severe consequences of situations in between.
Sorry for the lack of background. I was filming this with natural light, and once this ball got rolling, there wasn’t any stopping it. As you’d imagine, I didn’t really care to relive these events more than once. So, this is the first and only cut.