In response to the recent SCOTUS decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen, which functionally dismantled May-Issue permitting schemes (May-Issue meaning that a qualified concealed carry permit application could be denied for any or no reason by the issuing authority, regardless of merit), New York’s state government has been actively throwing everything they have at the application process to make it as onerous and personally invasive as possible. Not content with that, they have also proposed creating a labyrinth of “sensitive areas” which would make legally carrying a nightmare of invisible “no-go” zones.
Despite the obviously obstructionist nature of these proposals, which fly in the face of the SCOTUS decision, many on the left seem to think these are great ideas, and want to spread them around. As we have reported here at GAT recently, California is coming up with its own absurd scheme to skirt the supreme court and make gun manufacturers liable for things criminals do with their products. They pretend that gunmakers are magically immune from prosecution to justify this, but have you ever seen Honda get sued by the family of a drunk driver? Neither have we, so lets skip the pretense and start talking plainly.
That’s what FPC is doing with this statement. They are putting it out there for everyone who might attempt to play fuck-fuck games with the law, that there are people watching, waiting, and hell, probably salivating after the chance to take these people to court. FPC and others have put spurs to such governors and legislators before with precedents and rulings that predate the existence of Poland. We’re looking forward to seeing them get beat with a Supreme Court decision whose ink is still wet.