I realized long ago how important quality leather is. When wearing a handgun for most of the day you cannot afford cheap gear. The holster must hold the pistol in the correct position for presentation from the holster, ride close to the body for concealed carry, and offer a good draw angle than doesn’t over stretch the wrist. If there is a better concealed carry holster than the DeSantis Speed Scabbard I have not seen it. If you are able to conceal the holster with a covering garment the Speed Scabbard is a great choice. Recently DeSantis developed a considerable upgrade on the Speed Scabbard. The geometry is different and while you see a similarity in quality and workmanship the Vengeance isn’t a modified Speed Scabbard. With a light bearing holster you must start with a clean slate. You may still order the original Speed Scabbard while the Vengeance is available for Glocks with a mounted combat light.
The Vengeance™ Scabbard, #201, is an untraditional open-top pancake-style OWB holster. It is made of native US full grain steerhide and features three belt slots for multiple carry positions. Its adjustable tension device allows for a custom retention level. The wraparound band at the top of the holster provides additional strength and aids in re-holstering. It’s now available for many popular weapons and light combinations.
I ordered my example for the long serving Glock 19X 9mm. The Inforce combat light proved a good fit. Remember that the holster is a loose fit if you do not use a combat light so order another handgun holster if you don’t normally deploy the pistol with a combat light mounted. The combination is secure. I like the fit and the pistol rides securely while the presentation is sharp, very fast with practice. The stitching is excellent and the leather top grade as expected from DeSantis. I experimented with the draw angle- there are three belt loops- and with the tension screw until I had the perfect set up.
Among my favorite types of carry is the inside the waistband holster. DeSantis recently introduced the Infiltrator Air in the Pegasus line up. The Infiltrator®”AIR” IWB holster is adjustable for both height and cant. Its holster component is adjustable precision-molded Kydex® and the back component is all synthetic and “breathable” material. It comes with “C” Clips. Optional “J” clips are available. The holster uses a hard Kydex shell for rigidity. The Kydex shell is rigidly affixed to the holster backing. The backing is a breathable soft comfortable component. The belt clips go over and under the belt taking a good bite of the belt for security. If you take a close look at the holster the muzzle of the handgun may be angled out for a fast draw without binding. The holster retains tension on the handgun by maintaining a hold on the pistol’s long bearing surfaces and the trigger guard. I have used the holster with the Glock 19X. Also, since the holster features an open bottom, I have used the full length Bul Axe, a Glock 17 clone, with good results. The Infiltrator Air allows the concealed carry handgun shooter to keep the pistol concealed with a minimum of covering garments, even a T shirt, and to do so with some comfort. DeSantis holsters build on many decades of experience including large government contracts. These holster serve a real need.