Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make and the Decisions That Led Up To Them is a long title to a short book by Clauder Werner. Clauder Werner often goes by the online moniker of the Tactical Professor. Claude has a very interesting background that combines an Army career with ten years in Special Operations, time as a firearms instructor, a professional IDPA shooting career, and a bit of a research background. He combined those skills to write Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make and the Decisions That Led Up To Them.
The book aims to catalog and discuss mistakes broken down into three different categories. These are Legal Mistakes, Imprudent Mistakes, and Mechanical Mistakes. Claude has a history of research and building databases. He began to do just that with shootings from law enforcement and civilians who ended up in a bad spot due to legal mistakes, imprudent mistakes, and mechanical mistakes. These mistakes often end up with the shooter facing prison time.
Claude Werner Breaks It Down
I don’t want to dive deep into the actual content of the book. In each chapter, Claude Werner breaks down the definition of each type of ‘Mistake’ covered in his book. He very clearly explains what each mistake type is and how they affect the end user. The book then explains the different dimensions of these mistakes.

He cements the idea behind the Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make with explanations and real examples from the real world. He uses these examples to paint a very clear picture of the mistakes these gun owners make, how they affect the overall outcome of their situation, and what ultimately happened to them.
Since this is an eBook, the PDF contains live links to take you to additional content. This includes facts and figures from reputable sources that back up the information Claude Werner presents. The book comes out to be fairly short, with only about 48 pages of information. With that said. It came free when I ordered another Tactical Professor book, Concealed Carry Skills and Drills.
I’m still working through that one, but I finished Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make and the Decisions That Led Up To Them in a single sitting without effort. It’s a solid piece of information and gives you a framing device to see common mistakes and how they affect the outcome of civilian firearm usage.