
Brutal video shows what it’s like to be a paramedic in war-torn Syria

Terrifying video footage has been released capturing Syrian paramedics responding to yet another bombing in Aleppo. The three-minute clip was uploaded onto Facebook by Syria Charity on Wednesday and already has more than four million views. 

In it, their makeshift ambulance is peppered with debris from the explosion, but the medics continue undeterred towards the blast site where a number of bloodied civilians lay injured in the rubble.

The video opens with a huge explosion as a blast hits a building up ahead.
With debris falling from the sky, the ambulance reverses, but a huge rock smashes through the windscreen.

The paramedics then surge forward into the warzone and visibility is poor due to the dust from falling rubble. Panic-stricken civilians usher the paramedics to the injured, and the first they come across is a bloodied man clearly disorientated and unable to walk or use his legs.

As they help him onto a stretcher and carry him back to the ambulance, another casualty appears. This time, a child covered in blood.  A third victim is carried to the ambulance by five other men, again covered in blood, and appearing unable to move his limbs.

All three are loaded into the ambulance with the buildings still falling around them.


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248 Shooter
Charles is the editor for 248 Shooter a midwest based gun news and gear review site as well as Online Content Director for On Target Magazine. He is an avid student taking classes from top tier trainers around the country. Charles shares his love for training as well as experience and opinions on some of the most talked about gear and products used by competitive shooters, military, leo and civilians.