Bear Creek Arsenal just announced a new AR upper on its social media feed and blog. That isn’t shocking in and of itself, but the style of upper is one that might surprise folks. The new upper is the BC-15 Bolt Action model, and it’s just what it sounds like.
The BC-15 Bolt Action
A lot of folks might be scratching their heads and wondering what a bolt action AR is good for. Being from Pennsylvania, a state where you can’t hunt with semi-automatics, I’ve actually looked for something like this on more than one occasion.
A bolt action upper like the BC-15 gives you the option to use your AR lower in situations where you may not be able to use a semi-auto rifle. It’s an option for folks behind enemy lines in ban states to take advantage of AR ergonomics and parts, too, with a state-compliant upper.

A lot of folks feel that bolt actions are inherently more accurate than semi-automatics. So, the BC-15 Bolt Action may appeal to that crowd as well. It’d also be great for use with a suppressor.
Bear Creek points out that the AR platform’s modularity allows you to easily add accessories like bipods, optics, your choice of grips, and rail covers. You can much more easily customize an AR than you can a traditional bolt action rifle.
Bear Creek has a video on the X and Instagram feed that shows the upper in action. It has an ultra-short 23-degree throw bolt. It looks fast to operate, and I initially thought it might even be a straight pull action. You can see a pretty massive muzzle brake on the gun in the video, but hopefully, they offer versions with just a threaded muzzle and thread protector as well.
Coming Soon
BCA will offer both bolt action style uppers and complete rifles. The drop isn’t until tomorrow (December 9th), so we don’t have full details yet. They did announce, though, that they’re going to start with the .350 Legend and .450 Bushmaster, which should be popular in all of the states that have recently approved straight wall cartridges for hunting. They’ll expand to other hunting and precision calibers after that.
Personally, I like the idea of having options, and a bolt action upper that I can run a suppressor on for one of my existing AR lowers is kind of intriguing.
For more details, keep an eye on Bear Creek Arsenal’s social media pages or sign up for their newsletter on their website at Bearcreekarsenal.com.