The Barrett MRADELR rifle is a high end military grade ELR (extreme long range) shooting platform with the ability to chamber modern large magnum rifle calibers such as .416 Barrett. Although it’s considered a production level rifle, its attention to fit, finish and basic design makes it as capable as many other custom built ELR rifles. In the case of the Barrett MRADELR, besides its Barrett designed, one of a kind bolt action interface, (that comes with the ability to swap bolt heads for caliber changes), the MRADELR also has a quick change barrel swapping interface that allows the end user to not only swap out different barrels as needed, but also effectively turns the MRADELR into a multi-caliber rifle with both interchangeable barrels and bolt heads. Changing bolt heads is tool-less and swapping out barrels requires only one tool and not too much time.

Even though barrels are swappable, it does not mean that they do not get their fair share of attention as they are being manufactured. Barrett MRADELR barrels are all built from stainless steel to match grade specifications. When it comes to the rifling, these barrels use single point cut rifling and are hand lapped. Finally, as the MRADELR is designed to higher extreme long distance magnum rifle cartridges, it comes equipped with Barrett’s extremely effective three port QDL muzzle brake to tame down the magnum recoil.

The rifle’s name is a creative portmanteau of the abbreviations “MRAD” and “ELR”. MRAD stands for “milliradian”, a popular unit of angular measure used in optics and precision shooting. “ELR” on the other hand is simply an abbreviation of “extreme long range.” To learn more about the Barrett MRADELR and to see a better detailed and more comprehensive list of details, features, design cues and additional technical specifications, please visit Barrett’s website at https://barrett.net/