Avoiding SHOT Plague

This can even happen in the airport on your way to Vegas, or on the airplane itself. This time of year there are tons of respiratory viruses (and also stomach bugs) in circulation, so the likelihood that you will run into one during SHOT week is quite high.

So what can you do to help keep you from catching SHOT Plague?

When you ask people who are not me this question, the first thing most of them will suggest is their favorite herbal, vitamin, over-the-counter, or oil that they happen to peddle on the side. Although there will be someone for every preparation who swears by its “immune-boosting” effects, the reality is that there have been no double-blind, placebo-controlled studies which demonstrate that ANY of this stuff is actually helpful. That’s the science. With that said, I don’t think any of it is actually harmful to anything but your wallet, so if it makes you feel better to DO something, then have at it.

Other things you can do which HAVE been demonstrated to help you avoid the crud are:

  1. Get a Flu Shot. It’s actually too late now for SHOT – you won’t have built enough immunity to help for this week. But it will help protect you for the rest of the winter. It’s also something to consider for NEXT year. 
  2. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Did I mention wash your hands? Even in hospitals this is THE single biggest thing you can do to help stop the spread of infection. Do it. Before you eat. After using the bathroom. Before you touch your face. After shaking hands with people. I keep a portable hand sanitizer hanging from my pack and discreetly grab a squirt when walking away from meeting someone new and shaking their hand. Don’t be offended. I’m a doctor, it’s what I do.
  3. Consider a fist bump instead of handshake if YOU are ill. Be considerate of others. Don’t be Typhoid Mary. Also cough into your elbow NOT your hand.  
  4. Because there are people who will not read the above, consider doing what I do – push elevator buttons with a knuckle or other body part not likely to touch your face. Avoid touching escalator handrails, or do it with the side of your hand instead, or pull your sleeve down and use your cuff. Consider opening bathroom doors and other door handles with your non-dominant hand (again, a part less likely to accidentally touch your face)
  5. Beyond that, the usual adages apply. Try to get plenty of sleep (yeah right). Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – Vegas is a desert and dry mucus membranes have a harder time flushing off a virus before it attaches. Take advantage of the free water stations and put a bottle in your pack for the day. This is another “yeah right”, but try not to drink too much. Alcohol can dehydrate you, and dehydration leaves you open too all kinds of other health issues. Alcohol can also lead to bad decisions, which lead to the transmission of “other” diseases than SHOT Plague. Play Safe Kiddies.

Above all don’t be so paranoid that you forget to have fun. You get to hang out with 60-70,000 of your closest friends! You get to shoot other people’s guns with other people’s ammo! Just try to not bring each of those people’s viruses home with you. 

And don’t forget  — WASH. YOUR. HANDS.

Dr LateBloomer
Dr LateBloomer is a female general pediatrician who bought her first firearm at the age of 46. She now enjoys many different shooting disciplines including self-defense, IDPA, Steel/Rimfire Challenge, Sporting clays, and even tried 3-Gun for several years. She has gotten started in hunting and has expanded into crossbow. She is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and works to enlighten her medical colleagues whenever possible.