From our families to yours, we wish you all the peace, love, and good tidings that are to be had. It’s a time to slow down, reflect, and take joy in the greatest aspects of human nature. Rekindle our generosity and kindness, refresh from our weariness, and remember that the struggles and challenges we face do not eclipse any selflessness.
It isn’t the easiest time of year and it seemed not to creep in upon us this year, but bull-rushed as soon as the leftovers from Thanksgiving were cleared.
It has been a pleasure, this 2019, to write and express my observations of the community here and for everyone who enjoys reading it, I thank you personally. My writers thank you too. You give us a reason to use this as a creative outlet and go find new things to try each year, and we’re looking forward to doing that starting at SHOT 2020.
We’re all on vacation. And I hope that everyone reading this can find just a moment of genuine relaxation in the tumult that won’t ebb until 8 days from today.
For those traveling this Christmas Eve, stay frosty, don’t rush, you have all the time in the world to arrive alive. For those staying put, hosting, or staying in to unwind, don’t worry to much and do the good you can with what you have. For the guests, be the good guest and improve the experience of those you’re with.
Be kind, folks. We can pick up all the insanity right where we left it later.
Now if you will all excuse me, I smell cookies.