A few years ago Glock introduced the G41 MOS. This is their Gen4 frame with inserts to adapt the fit for professional basketball players. I found the standard frame fit me well, no slip on backstraps required.

I already owned a G21SF, so I didn’t really need another 45ACP Glock. What intrigued me about the 5” G41 was the MOS system that allows you to mount a mini-red dot (mrds) to the slide. Glock includes four plates that fit most popular mini red dots. It was good to see one of the plates fit a Burris Fast-Fire that I have used for a good many years. Adding a mrds to the G41 would allow me to use this pistol for Limited Class, Limited 10 and Carry Optics in USPSA as well as shoot CDP and Carry Optics in IDPA. One pistol with many uses, sounded like sound fiscal logic to me.

Before the G41 was ready for competition, it needed a few modifications. First I would stipple the grip for a better purchase on the pistol when it is wet. Next a Tac Rack would replace the striker cover. The Tac Rack is a low profile slide racker that makes clearing jams easier and racking the slide much easier with cold wet hands. Because this was a multi-use pistol I installed a set of Trijicon fiber optic sights for a G21 I had in the parts box. Lastly, I added an Overwatch Precision DAT Trigger. I did not want a “lighter” pull weight so I used the factory trigger spring. The DAT Trigger gives you a smooth flat trigger and a consistent trigger pull.

With the enhancements made, I shot the G41 in several local USPSA and IDPA matches. Like all the Glocks I have owned, it ran flawlessly. In competition a reliable pistol that is modestly accurate, is far better than a tack driver that has feeding issues, but is a tack driver. Odds are you will not need a Bullseye accurate pistol in action pistol. You do however need a pistol that shoots every time.

Since the G41 could already be used for multiple divisions, I wondered is there a barrel/compensator system that could turn the G41 into an Open Class pistol. A quick serve of a few suppliers of Glock parts led me to Lone Wolf Distributors. LWD is virtually a one stop shop for all things Glock. A few emails and an AlphaWolf barrel with a three port AlphaWolf compensator were on the way.

Having used many other Lone Wolf Distributor’s parts for many years, I was not surprised the barrel fit perfectly and the compensator looked like a part of the slide. There was no binding or hesitation when the slide was racked. Once I lubricated the barrel/slide assembly it was smooth as ice going in and out of battery.
Before going any further, I will answer the question; why a 45 with a compensator? Don’t comps work best with fast high pressure calibers like 38 Super or 9X21? Yes they do. However back when I started shooting a cutting edge “open gun” was an iron sighted single stack 45 with a single or dual port comp. As little as I shoot in Open Class, this set-up would be just fine. It would also be fun to just plink with.
Prior to installing the barrel, I chamber checked several rounds of homemade reloads and every round dropped into the chamber. Hand feeding the same rounds yielded the same results, all cartridges fed perfectly. Those two tests are generally good signs that your ammunition will feed reliably.
Installing the Alpha Wolf barrel was as easy as field stripping the pistol. Drop the magazine, rack the slide to ensure the pistol is clear, drop the striker and slightly retract the slide. At this point use the locking lever above the trigger to unlock the slide and remove it. Now remove the recoil spring and barrel. At this point install the Alpha Wolf Barrel, recoils spring and put the assembly back on the frame.
Next install the compensator and set screw; I suggest using purple Loctite, 222MS. This way you will be able to return the G41 Race Glock to its original barrel configuration. During testing I found 222MS performed as advertised and kept the parts secure. One side note, the compensator is aluminum, do not over tighten it or you will strip the threads.

The real test would be shooting the “race Glock” for accuracy and reliability. I gathered test ammunition from Black Hills, Federal, Hornady, Sig Sauer and reloads from my Lee Pro1000. Bullet weights ranged from 185 grain hollow points to 230 grain full metal jacket as well as some 230 grain +P hollow points. While I would primarily be testing the Alpha Wolf/ Burris set-up, I also wanted to see how much Point of Aim/Point of Impact variance there was between the compensated and non-compensated barrel.

To test the function I loaded a couple of magazines with 200 grain semi-wadcutters and 230 grain round nose Ibejiheads. From previous experience I knew the stock G41 liked these loads and shoots them well. With the AlphaWolf system installed, the G41 was nearly a tack driver and there were no reliability issues. I also verified zero at 25 yards with the 200 grain loads because they are a happy medium between 185 and 230 grain options. During this initial testing I found there was minimal Point of Aim/Point of Impact shift between the Alpha Wolf and OEM barrel. If I were shooting bullseye, I would have spent time getting it dead on. At 25 yards, I was still hitting a 6” target every shot which is good enough for me.
When I sat down and bench rested the G41/Alpha Wolf with factory loads the first thing I noticed was the reduced muzzle rise. The compensator made the +P loads feel like a hot 40 S&W. When shooting the 185 grain loads recoil virtually disappeared, 230 grain loads felt like a “match load” 200 grain SWC. While it might seem like this is no big deal, but hundredths of seconds add up in USPSA matches.
Accuracy wise, the full race G41 shot amazingly well. At 25 yards all of the 5 shot groups were under 2 ½”. There was no preference of bullet weight, ojive design or manufacture. The Alpha Wolf barrel was just wicked accurate in the G41 with Burris Fast-Fire. For a shooter traveling around the country to shoot this is a big deal. This means if you run out of ammunition you should able to use most any duty or full metal jacket load and be on target.
With the rising cost of specialized pistols for action pistol shooting it is nice to see you can still put together an affordable, reliable and accurate pistol reasonably inexpensively. The base Glock 41 will set you back about $775, the LWD AlphaWolf Barrel/Comp $200ish and a Fast-Fire $150-175, roughly $1250; add another $100 for the OP DAT Trigger. Compare that to $4000 or more for a full house custom open pistol, this multiple use Glock is a deal. The pricing would be comparable if you decide to use other Glock models so you have the caliber of your choice. No matter what you choose you will be able to get out to the range to shoot fast, shoot accurately and have FUN.