Ban Arming Teachers!
Yep, this has been such a problem. Those out of control New York teachers just whipping pistols out of every place imaginable and going for broke.
It’s illegal now. Don’t worry, problem solved. No longer will the option of a professionally educated individual, with probably the greatest stake in your child’s health and safety next to you the parent, be given the option to defend your child or themselves.
Off the table. Teachers will not use equivalent force to protect their kids. They will be legally bound to disadvantage because a teacher might become irate with a student or a student might somehow acquire that firearm.
Far be it from me to suggest that an equivalent force device is the demonstrably best option for stopping someone who might attack said school. The Parkland commission came to the same conclusion, but guns = scary so screw those guys findings.
Ban Bumpstocks!
Cool story. ATF is already classifying them as automatic weapons so way to come late to the party with some extra bannage… just in case.

Ban 3D Printing of Guns!
Great job!
Wait… what if someone just ignores the rule? Like they were already going to ignore the rules about murder but they ignore this rule too.
Well… crap.
Firearm Violence Research Institute
You know what… I’ll give New York a neutral rating on this one. I don’t mind research on crime and violence being conducted. I support it. It’s when research becomes agenda driven instead of data driven that we run into problems.
Here’s all the quantifiable data on methods, motivations, frequency, demographics, etc. that we can find on violent human interactions vs. here is data cherry picked to support the conclusion that firearms should be restricted because we are driving the narrative that firearms are somehow a special method of violence.
Violence is independent of method. So how about just a Violence Research Institute and we might get somewhere?
Safe Storage Law
Hooray, more liability on owners if their property was stolen if said property was not stored in a method the State decreed as ‘adequate’. I look forward to all the prosecutions of Law Enforcement Officers whose duty firearms were stolen along side the regular citizenry.
This is a PSA, New York, not a legal matter and wasting your citizenry’s time on it through trial and punishment won’t be a loss leader, it’s just negative spend.
Speaking of negative spend…
Gun Buybacks!
Yes, NY Lawmakers will be establishing another blackhole money funnel to get non-crime firearms off the street in a ridiculously in effectual manner and give criminals an easy dump spot, with a monetary reward, to dispose of their illicit tools of the trade. Should they so desire.
Security theater at its finest. “We’re doing something.” That’s the great thing about security theater… it doesn’t need to do something as efficient as work if it just looks and sounds good.