If someone is “extreme risk” why are they left with all the other dangerous implements? Knives, chemicals, cars, etc. Why just an order to seize their firearms?
Why not, if we are already this concerned about them, do we not initiate a medical solution and get this person into a true medical evaluation that can help them. And then, on the judgement of a mental healthcare specialist a treatment plan can be developed and their professional opinion of the risks can be factored into an informed judgement with the consent of the patient.
Depriving a person of their means of protection should be as involved a process as sending them to prison. It is a grave violation of personal sovereignty and should only be done under severe and well adjudicated circumstances. Red Flag laws turn this into an act of whims and are as ripe for abuse as they are full of work around methods.
My opinion is worth exactly what you paid to read it here but… If someone is this much of a danger, why are they free? Why are they not supervised? Do we care so little for this person that so long as they don’t do something bad with a gun we could give two shits?
“He poured gasoline all over himself and his apartment for $10.00 and lit it up, but thank God he didn’t shoot himself.”

Just a thought… Onto the next brilliant addition to the NYS legal code.