January is over, and so are the month’s good intentions. If you are like most people you hide from the doom of New Year resolutions and proclamations of change and improvement. Let’s face it, change is hard and not likely to take hold in just a few short days at the beginning of each new year.
But change and resolution are possible, you just have to look at it differently than what is prepackaged and shoved in your face new year after new year. In relation to your goals as a gun owner, improved marksman, even competitive shooter, you can start anytime you are ready. We are waiting for you whenever you are ready with the support you crave and the education you need!
1. Make Range Time
Spending time at least twice a month at the range is key. Attending a Girl’s Night Out or having a buddy to train with is ideal, not only because it is fun to shoot with a pal, the practice sessions can become more intense when you have immediate accountability. Add in 1 or 2 matches, you will quickly have valuable trigger time 4+ times a month.
2. Dry Fire Practice
Dry fire is something you can do anytime day or night. Dedicating 5-10 minutes a day putting your hands on your gun is the best gift you can give yourself. Did you know that you can lose the ability to acquire a sight picture after 2 days? It is a fine-motor skill that will dwindle away without exercise. Taking a sight picture, practicing your trigger press, and working your draw are some things you can do that build incredible muscle memory for your subconscious brain. Using training tools like the Dry-Fire Cards will give you fresh skills to practice and MantisX is your personal instructor to expose where you need more work.
3. Use Your Journal to Set Goals
You may have heard our term “Tactical Foo-Foo”. Well here is the full explanation: The AG & AG Shooting Journal is designed to track your “tactical” range session with guns, ammo, weather, wind, and whatever physical conditions you experience, and give you ballistic data on performance. The “Foo-Foo” part is simply how you can improve your experience. Did you come to the range with head trash or ready to take on the world? This is where you record how you feel and the impact it had on your trigger time. Head trash is real, and if you come to the range with a poor attitude, you can see it in your performance. Don’t pull the trigger and then shake your head saying “no that was bad.” When you are at the range, this is your time to shine. Find your inner Wonder Woman and experience your empowerment. Range time costs money, so don’t waste your time and money if you are not in it to win it.
Decide that you will head to the range knowing what shooting techniques you want to work on, instead of just winging it. By assigning specific goals to range trips, you can work on improving your shooting, one target at a time.
4. Silence Negative Thoughts
Whether it is someone shaming the gun you shoot, the gear you use, or the ammo you love… leave it. If you are using products that are not “the best” take note and see where you can improve the gun, gear, and ammo you use within your budget. Anything is better than throwing rocks and harsh language, but there are better guns, gear and ammo to use for self-defense and recreational shooting. The equipment you use depends on your goals and preferences. Be aware that there will always be negative people.
5. Clean Your Range Bag
It is possible you haven’t been to the range in several weeks and there are unneeded items and trash lurking in your bag. You know how you purge your closet? Purging your range bag is just as cathartic. New sunscreen, bug spray, and general gear for the range including timers, ammo, mag loaders, targets and pasters can leave you feeling excited to get back out there.
6. Create Health, Wellness, Peace, and Happiness
Ok, so I am tapping into the peace and love side we all have, some hiding deep down and others shining bright for all to see. Being healthy is very personal. It is so exciting to see women set their physical fitness goals based on how they want to perform in the sport of 3-gun, for example. But the truth is, this is your personal fitness journey. We know that size and weight is not relative. Where ever you are, whatever you can achieve, it is yours and your happiness will follow. There are many programs we can offer up or trainers to reference if you ask us, but until then we will trust you are doing the best you can with what you have, where you are.
7. Just Do It
Shooting is not rocket science. There is skill, talent, and a bit of luck involved. If you are one of the gifted few that just pick up guns and win everything… God Bless you. If you are like most of us and have to work at it, God Bless you twice for having determination to work your passion and enjoy your hobby. The gun calls people for different reasons, self-defense or competition. The reward of mastering this piece of machinery is beyond words.
SOURCE ARTICLE: https://www.agirlandagun.org/9-ways-better-shooter/