We wouldn’t have places to train if it weren’t for the partnerships we’ve built and nurtured with our host ranges, so we want our ranges to be successful! Here are 4 ways to show your appreciation to your AG & AG host ranges:
1. Speak up! Have you had the opportunity to interact with the manager/owner and thank them personally? It’s fast and free! Take a minute on your next visit and introduce yourself, shake their hands, and tell them how much you appreciate that they host your chapter of A Girl & A Gun. When you make purchases, whether a big-ticket item like a gun or even small purchases like gun cases or cleaning kits, make sure to let employees know that you can’t wait to use them for your AG & AG events.
2. Like them. Does your range have a Facebook page? Make sure to “like” their social media pages and take a few minutes to submit a favorable review. Personalize the comment if you can: “I especially appreciate the time one of the sales associates helped me understand some of the available accessories for my new pistol. They even offered to track down a custom grip I’d seen at a gun show! I always feel welcome here!” The same thing applies to Google, Yelp, even TripAdvisor. This is an easy way for AG & AG members to give the range some free marketing by helping to increase their online/social media presence.
3. Invite them. Are you having an event at another location, like a Cabela’s Ladies Day out? Tell your range about it and offer to place some of their cards/flyers/banner at your table. Give out information with the range’s hours, rates, and classes that they offer. Promoting the range ensures that they do well, so that we continue to have a range for our events. It’s win/win!
4. Appreciate them. Maybe at a Girl’s Night Out everyone can pitch in and order some pizzas or bring in some homemade brownies for the range staff. Let them know that you value their support. It’s amazing how big an impact it can have for those who are rarely thanked for doing their jobs! If your range has a store that has surveys on the bottom of their receipts, take the time to fill them out. Thank them for being an AG & AG host range.
Support Your Local Shooting Ranges
It doesn’t require a lot of time and effort on your part, but by taking a few extra steps to build our relationship with our partner ranges, we can continue to develop our reputation as ambassadors for women in the firearms community!
See our complete list of A Girl & A Gun host ranges.
Photo credit, above: Tracy Hughes, Facilitator of the League City TX Chapter, delivered dinner to the staff of The Arms Room.
SOURCE ARTICLE: https://www.agirlandagun.org/4-ways-support-host-range/