It’s no great secret that women in my demographic do not like to be cold. But many great hunting opportunities happen during the colder parts of the year. Thus, if we want to get more women afield and be sure they come back for more, it behooves us to make sure that our new recruits are warm and comfortable while they’re out there.
Chemical disposable hand warmers take awhile to heat up, and then contribute to the waste stream when their heat is exhausted. Their only advantage is that they are low cost and lightweight.
Reusable chemical hand warmers last only an hour or two, and then need to be boiled in order to recharge. They are effective (while they last) and reusable, but cumbersome.
There are also reusable hand warmers that burn lighter fluid fuel. People who are used to carrying lighters around may not be bothered by the flammable aspect, but I personally am not a fan of carrying anything in my clothing containing a flammable fuel. I’m just odd like that.
All of the above options “work”, but they aren’t really an ideal solution for my own needs. Enter the USB rechargeable handwarmer by Zippo.
I first saw this answer to my frigid finger prayers at SHOT Show 2018, and was determined to have one to try for myself. Zippo kindly obliged me, and I have not been disappointed.
This handy warmer provides long-lasting, portable and rechargeable warmth for hands or even down a sports bra to keep your core warm. The heat has five adjustable settings and reaches a max of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
This electronic wonder generates six hours of adjustable-intensity heat, on a USB charge that takes 1-2 hours. As an added “in case of emergency” bonus, the hand warmer may also be used as a power bank to recharge a cell phone. In a situation where you may be stranded in the outdoors and need a phone signal to reach help, or for searchers to find you via GPS phone location, this feature could be a lifesaver.
I took this clever gadget to an outdoor basic pistol class I was assisting with, and it kept not only my trigger finger, but all my fingers nice and toasty. It was also popular with some of the other participants who needed a quick warm-up.
I have even used the Zippo USB hand warmer in my office. Yes, things get drafty at my desk. I keep an office sweater in my bottom desk drawer even in the summer. I have been known to warm my hands around a hot mug of tea, or over the exhaust vent of my laptop – even in July. So this little electronic wonder has been a welcome addition to my thermal arsenal.
If you are looking for a gift idea for a lady hunter, or a lady who might turn into a hunter if she were warm enough, or even your favorite shivering female office worker, be sure to check out the Zippo USB hand warmer. You don’t have to wait until fall either, because as many women office workers know, summer is “women’s winter” – and it’s coming.