Here is the complete item list and cost guesstimates for an el-cheapo starter kit:
1. 3 x food grade, 5 gallon water jugs ($6 each)
2. 2 x 3/4 pvc water valves ($ 3 each)
3. 1 x simple ball valve ($2)
4. 2 x 3/4-1/2″ inner diameter brass hose adapters ($7 each)
5. 1 clear plastic hose ($0.50 per foot)
6. Yeast ($1.50 each)
7. Yeast nutrient ($1.50 each)
8. 4lbs of sugar ($3 each)
9. Juice/Fruit ($12 – $30)
Start up Items subtotal = $62 (minimum for the first batch)
Once you clean out your primary and secondary fermenters, you can re-use them and for each new batch, you buy 1 container and 1 simple ball valve ($9 total). OR you can just drink down 4 gallons of the good stuff and re-use that container!
4 gallons of apple juice (or any juice for that matter) can run as low as $12 on clearance. With a bottle of wine holding 750 ml, that means you’ll be making 20 bottles of wine in one batch! So for the price of one nice bottle, you’ll get 20 mediocre ones.
So watch the video below and see part 1!
Source Article from