FN SCAR Non-Reciprocating Charging Handle (NRCH) Family

FN SCAR NCRH Family of Rifles

The FN SCAR family has now proven itself for nearly two decades. Arguably, it has set some of the standards for what modern military rifles chambered in both intermediate and full-size non-magnum cartridges look like. One of the downsides of the original design was its lack of a non-reciprocating charging handle. It could get in the while the gun cycles and become a hindrance. Not too long ago, FN redesigned some elements in the SCAR charging handle assemblies to make a non-reciprocating handle a reality.

FN SCAR Non-Recorpocating Charging Handle

“The FN SCAR has proven itself as a leader in its class since its introduction, setting the standard for what gas-driven, semi-auto rifles should be,” said Chris Cole, Vice President, Sales & Marketing of FN America, LLC.

“The complete modularity and fast-handling character of our most versatile rifle platform continues to advance. The FN SCAR 17S and 20S were already the softest shooting gas-driven .30-caliber rifles on the market, and these upgrades deliver even more functionality to the SCAR platform.”

The NRCH makes the SCAR more traditional and, in a sense, certainly more intuitive. It allows shooters to shoot from any position, with any grip style or optic, without fear of bumping the charging handle. Combined with fully ambidextrous operating controls and an adjustable buttstock, the SCAR brings versatility.

“With the FN SCAR there’s a reason for every part, all have to work together perfectly to deliver the uncompromising accuracy, reliability, and toughness this platform has earned under fire. That’s the difference between an FN SCAR and other carbines, we are held to a higher standard than most, failure is not an option for our Nation’s most elite forces, said Benjamin Voss, Product Manager for FN’s Long Guns.

“With the semi-auto FN SCAR 16S, 17S, and 20S, we hold the same standards of quality for these commercial variants. Adding the non-reciprocating charging handles allows SCAR to be even more adaptable, enhancing an already accurate and soft-shooting rifle. Shooting positions like urban prone, from a barrier or with a CQC-style grip are made possible, and users can now run low-mount optics without interference.”

The NRCH now comes on the new versions of the SCAR 20S, 17S and 16S rifles. To learn more about the FN SCAR family, please visit FN America.com.