Shooting rimfire rifles and ammunition is a great way to touch the finer points of precision rifle shooting without having to bear the full costs that are oftentimes associated with full-bore centerfire precision rifles, their cartridges, and other accessories. Specialized rimfire precision rifle rigs can cost just as much, if not more, than their centerfire siblings. However, generally speaking, shooters can get excellent results from more affordable models, such as the Tikka T1X that’s featured in this video.
With that said, it’s very important not to skimp on quality match-grade rimfire rounds for best results. Specifically, because they tend to be more consistent than bulk rimfire ammo products (which are better suited for plinking anyway). After all, consistency is the name of the game when it comes to precision rifle marksmanship caliber or cartridge notwithstanding.
Glassing Up for Long-Range Precision Rimfire Shooting
Similarly, one should still strive to get the best-magnified optic their budget allows. Thinking that a less expensive rifle begets a less expensive scope is useful only to a point. But what good is trying to shoot precisely when you struggle to see your targets clearly? A scope’s ability to gather light and magnify it to the shooter’s pupil doesn’t change because each round costs .20 cents instead of $1.20.
Because of the realities that pertain to rimfire cartridges, such as less power and less ballistic capabilities, shooting them well at extended distances becomes more challenging as shooters need to account for the slower muzzle velocities and the wind/environment’s effect on the bullet during flight. It can ironically be more of a challenge to shoot rimfires, but they provide a valuable training opportunity when it comes to riflery.
Watch the video below to learn more about shooting rimfire precision rifles.
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