
The 5.11 Kumau Bomber Jacket

I try to be as transparent as possible when it comes to reviewing gear. The Kumau Bomber jacket came free from 5.11 as what I assume is a gift. It was a pleasant surprise,...

Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool 

Unlock Versatility with the Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool—the Ultimate Military-Grade Multi-Tool!  The Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool is a durable military-grade pocket toolbox that includes pliers, wire cutters, a knife blade, screwdrivers, a can opener, and a file,...

Essential Training Gear You Must Have

You can’t buy skill, but you can buy the gear necessary to build your skill. If you’re going to spend time training, you should be as effective as possible. To help with that effectiveness,...
Water Conservation

Waste Not, Want Not – Water Conservation in a Crisis

When a disaster hits, you likely won’t have time to run to the store. The supplies you have available to you at the time it happens are all you’re going to have for the...

Do You Have a Home Defense Plan?

What's your home defense plan? We spend a lot of time in dumb arguments about the best home defense gun. Often, it doesn't really matter if your 11.5 AR works better than my 12.5....