The Might of the Majority

“Majority rules.”  So those of us were taught when, once upon a time, civics was part of public school curriculum.  But what of the legitimate rights of minorities? As a practical matter, they no longer exist.  Perhaps they never did.

E pluribus unum—”out of many, one”.  Our nation’s Constitution was cobbled together by representatives of diverse nation states each with its own sentiments, customs and prejudices.  Each was jealous of encroachment by greater states or coalitions of lesser states.  Rights of minority interests were paramount in their minds.

Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) is a project launched in 1994 in response to a coordinated public health campaign against gun rights. DRGO is now a nationwide network of physicians, allied health professionals, scientists, and others who support the safe and lawful use of firearms. DRGO’s members include experts in public health, firearm technology, gun safety education, and tactical medicine.